What makes Lao cuisine different?
If you are a first-time visitor to South-East Asia (or even if you have spent time here) you may not have discovered the distinguishing features of Lao cuisine. That’s because many Lao flavours and foods are not at all well known.

What do Lao people like to eat?
For many, particularly in poor country areas, a meal consists of sticky rice with a jeow (spicy dipping sauce) to add flavour. More substantial meals are eaten communally and typically consist of a soup, sticky rice, a meat, fish or poultry dish and a vegetable dish… and of course jeow.

What is 'authentic' Lao cuisine?
Laos has been influenced and colonized over the centuries by other cultures, so deciding what is ‘authentic’ depends a great deal on how far back you wish to place the starting line.
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